Monday, December 1, 2008

Grout for the tiles....and a little for my phone

Well, I grouted the kitchen, hallway, and downstairs bathroom tile yesterday. Wow, what difference grout makes! Here's a shot in the kitchen (I have not yet wiped off the haze and buffed the tiles to a pretty shine so just imagine the finished look). The grout color: malt.

So, about the phone...yeah, I dropped my phone in a freshly mixed bucket of grout. Had I not been in a panicked frenzy to clean it off as fast as I could possibly move, I would have taken a picture of the the dreadful sight. It still works, but it is amazing how many little grooves are on a cell phone! And every little one of them is now malt! And it makes an irritating crunching noise when I open it!

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