Sunday, April 27, 2008

Let it Rain!

Finished the gutter last week (finally!). Well, almost finished it...I still need to attach the downspout bracket. But with the amount of rain we've had lately, I'm extremely glad that it is no longer being deposited right at the house's foundation. I had never done a gutter before, but it was really quite easy. The most difficult part was doing it alone. I found it a bit difficult to hold long pieces of fascia boards up and attach them without someone helping by holding one end. Anyway, it's done. Let it rain, baby, let it rain!

p.s. also got rid of the oversize fridge last week! I responded to a plea on Freecycle and someone in need came and got it. It turns out that I actually knew the family through school. A pretty wild group of guys showed up to pick it up. They had to take the doors off to get the beast out. An hour and a half later, it was gone. Glad to see it (and them) go :)

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